Ira Ochomma

My journey into photography began with a Soviet Zenit film camera. Leaving for America, a friend made a small gift that changed my life.

Soon enough my romance with photography become something more as I set about capturing the beauty that goes unnoticed day-to-day.

Photography, I discovered, reveals the profound in everything, from a child’s smile to a woman’s body to even a cracked cup.

As I explored the medium and experimental further, I embraced alternative photography. In infrared, ambrotype, cyanotype, and gum bichromate photography, I found doors into new worlds.

I also unearthed the secrets of far-flung countries, marrying a camera’s potential with my openness to foreign cultures and their traditions to create unforgettable landscape shots that never fail to take you there.

Whether at home or abroad, I seek out the fascinating in the mundane, seizing on such moments to produce unique images.

In photography, it’s not depth of field that matters but depth of feeling
My Works
Reaching across mediums for inspiration, I look to Renoir, Gaugin, and Van Gogh, whose art gives joy and charges with love
  • The Team teachable
    Out of love for people comes my interest in portraiture, where the challenge is to see the model with the eyes of someone in love
  • Bird photography combines the thrill of birds with the art of photography. If you see birds flying high, you are looking at happiness and freedom

  • Nature is the world’s greatest artist, with its abundance of shapes and colors beyond human comprehension. “This is the gift of the landscape photographer , that the heart finds a place to stand.”
  • Experimenting with ir techniques, I always make new discoveries, from unearthly landscapes of breathtaking beauty to enigmatic portraits of people with alabaster skin

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Ira Ochomma

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